Setup Server

GrootShield Server Setup Guide

How to Set Up a Standalone Server (Spigot/Paper 1.7-1.18.2)

  1. Download GrootShield.jar

    • Download the GrootShield plugin from here.

  2. Upload GrootShield.jar to Your Server

    • Connect to your server via FTP or your preferred file manager.

    • Navigate to the plugins directory.

    • Upload GrootShield.jar to this directory.

  3. Restart Your Server

    • Restart your server to activate the plugin.

How to Set Up a Standalone Server (Spigot/Paper 1.18.2 and Above)

  1. Enable Proxy Protocol

    • Open config/paper-global.yml with a text editor.

    • Find the line proxy-protocol: false and change it to proxy-protocol: true.

    • Save the file.

  2. Restart Your Server

    • Restart your server to apply the changes.

How to Set Up a Proxy Server (BungeeCord/Waterfall)

  1. Enable Proxy Protocol

    • Open config.yml with a text editor.

    • Find the line enable-proxy-protocol: false and change it to enable-proxy-protocol: true.

    • Save the file.

  2. Restart Your Server

    • Restart your server to apply the changes.

How to Set Up a Proxy Server (Velocity)

  1. Enable Proxy Protocol

    • Open velocity.toml with a text editor.

    • Find the line haproxy-protocol = false and change it to haproxy-protocol = true.

    • Save the file.

  2. Restart Your Server

    • Restart your server to apply the changes.

Last updated